Friday, November 9, 2012

28 Reasons for Joy

Didn't get a chance to post this yesterday because I was too busy having an awesome day.  Thanks for all those who messaged me, visited, and made my day! Yesterday's post:

I am a lucky woman.  Truly.  I have had many joy-filledlife-changingwonderful moments and memories in my 28 years of life.   I've been inspired and loved by incredible people.  I've been to amazing places - exploring and discovering.

This post is probably more for me than anyone- collecting reasons I have to be thankful.  It's a fitting way to spend my few free moments alone on this 28th birthday of mine:

1. First day in Hawaii on a family vacation.  Strolling the beach early in the morning with my dear Father.  Sharing, talking, buying cinnamon buns.
2. Fighting about a sewing machine with my mom.  It was such an infamous episode of ridiculous mis-communication that we still laugh our heads off about it. (This moment and staying in a hostel in Italy with my Mom are my two fav memories).
3. Stepping off the plane into my new life in Ottawa. I was leaving home as a new high-school graduate.  Exhilarated and terrified.  On the edge of the unknown and though I didn't know it yet, at the beginning of some of the best years of my life.
4. A surprise birthday party thrown for me only three months into freshman year at Carleton University.  An incredible community of friends.  A new winter coat.  Felt so blessed and treasured.
5. Long drives on country roads, music blaring with a new driver's license   Tears streaming.  Meeting God in some lonely times and places.
6. A cabin in the woods.  A retreat with University friends.  Late nights of sharing, meal making, games, wrestling in the snow.  The best weekend. Singing my heart out while Jason played guitar [not yet dating].
7. Summers at kids camp as a counselor.  The best.  Qwanoes rocked.
8. Long cozy evenings snuggling together [Jason and I of course], all bundled, next to a river in Ottawa.  And then, he said "I love you" for the first time.  [Sigh].
9. Hiking the West Coast Trail.  Fresh air, tiring days, beach combing, ladder climbing, misty mornings, chocolate trail mix.  It was incredible.
10. Hours on my bike as a kid.  Thinking, dreaming, praying, writing poetry and songs.  Exploring, discovering, pondering.  Still love my bike.
11. Meeting and falling in love with Jason's family.  Blonde heads, big hugs, warm smiles, game playing, hikes, talks, love them all.  Each one.
12. Breezing through Costa Rican treetops (zip-lining) on our incredibly adventurous honeymoon.
13. First time to Africa.  Safari in Tanzania early in the morning with the sun rising over the savanna   It was unbelievable, poetic, and inspiring.
14. My first missions trip. (Mexico)  Serving, caring, giving, in community.  Was so fulfilling.
15. Hugging my brother.  I dunno, it still makes me want to cry every time.
16. Deciding to change directions and go to nursing school.  Haven't regretted that decision for a second.  After a good days' work of mental, emotional, physical exertion it always feels amazing. I'm doing exactly what I was made to do.
17. First kiss.  Burnaby mountain, with the man I now call husband.  So totally awkward and so incredibly innocent and priceless.
18. Riding on the back of a motor bike in rural Burkina Faso to deliver health care.  Hilarious. Memorable.
19. Hiking around Arches national park.  How is that place real?
20. The pure relief and the flood of emotions overwhelming me the moment I held Silas for the first time.  I could not stop crying.  Such joy, such an incredible sense of meaning. Awe.
21. Hiking in Cinque Terre.  The sunshine, the exertion, the sea-air, exploring such an incredible landscape with Jason.  My favourite place in the world (thus far).
22. French pastries, consumed in France. Need I say more?!  Chocolate...butter....
23. Graduating from highschool was a huge high.  So much before me, so much behind me.  I had so many great times as a youth with incredible friends and support.  Sports, academics, friends...and at grad: a future wide open.  Dry grad was amazingly fun.
24. Snuggling up with Toby on my chest.  This boys' dimpled cheeks, curly soft blonde hair, bright blue eyes and chubby cheeks fills my heart in places I never knew were empty.
25.  Arriving in Ouagadougou knowing that we were going to be living in Burkina for 6 months.  New sights, new sounds, warm community, new language, new life...
26.  Running a half marathon around Stanley Park with Jason at my side.  Beautiful day, awesome adventure.   (City chase was equally fun!)
27.  Being there when a person passes from this life to the next.  Caring for someone dying is incredibly spiritual.
28. Biking around the gulf islands with Jason.  Romantic, relaxing, lovely.

How can I complain, ever?
I am rich in more ways than most people around the world will ever have the privilege of knowing and experiencing.
Filthy rich.

I deserve none of it but thank God for all of it.

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